L’Oréal Professional Products Division pro (site www.uk.lorealacess.com) has just released the new edition of its UK Salon Support Guide: the Back To Business Salon Support Guide.
The UK Salon Support Guide was launched end of March and is regularly updated. It has been publicly available and free on L’Oréal’s pro site. The guide, which can be found under the Grow Business section on the website alongside other education courses, includes free and instant access to everything you need to know as salon owners, salon employees or self-employed hairdressers during the coronavirus lockdown. It gets continually updated to include all government measures as well as social media advice. Invaluable!
In the latest (May) update Back to Business, you’ll find shared advice for salons and hairdressers to help with preparations for re-opening under the circumstances of Covid-19. It includes recommendations and ideas to aid salons adjust to the new circumstances, like details on hygiene and safety, team and salon organisation, communication with clients, info on hand sanitisers and masks, how-to clean and sterilise hair tools, placing stock orders, how to adapt waiting areas and modify salon operations and more.
Whilst salons and hairdressers are all looking forward to getting back to work and getting businesses back on track, the new Covid-19 context is very different to how businesses have been used to operating. New health and safety standards will need to be adopted to help ensure the health and safety of team members and clients alike, and specifically on hygiene practices. On that note, you will find the hygiene section of this guide extremely helpful.

Béatrice Dautzenberg
‘We are thinking of all of our hairdressing partners and your loved ones at this time. We want to affirm our total solidarity and are here to help you to navigate this challenging moment. Together with Industry Trade Bodies, we are working to provide useful information to aid the preparation for the safe re-opening of salons – with care for you, your teams and your clients as the number one priority. We know that salons and hairdressers are the beating heart of the community and we are all looking forward to coming together again. Until this time, we share our love and wish everyone well. We will meet again soon‘ says Béatrice Dautzenberg, Managing Director of L’Oréal Professional Products Division UK & Ireland.
All salons and basically anyone can download and get access to the guide with all this info and all much needed help HERE.
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