Seditionaries by Richard Ashforth

Seditionaries by Richard Ashforth

In Uncategorized by Nicky

Seditionaries is a thoughtful and provocative collection from Richard Ashforth at Saco. It was created as an entry into the British Hairdressing Awards 2022, and was arguably massively underrated by the judges. Why?: For one simple reason; time.

Seditionaries by Richard Ashforth

You need time to really study the images and understand how clever and expressive they are. Judges on the clock browsing a gallery rammed with great work are under pressure. It’s tricky at times to do justice to the collections.  This one is beauty with integrity, we say, and needs time to appreciate what Richard’s done.

Study with intent

The collection requires you to stop and think through what you’re seeing. Consider the technical skill and discover how Richard has taken a purist, yet commercial, yet artistic view. Aided perfectly by his photographer, James Stopforth. 

Seditionaries by Richard Ashforth

Seditionaries is… 

Richard notes this on his collection sheet: “Seditionaries is a collection of images dedicated to the mantra of gaining strength through simplicity. A challenge in eliminating the superfluous and distilling each look down to its essence. It’s all non-complex.”

 Hair Saco Creative Team led by Richard Ashforth • Photography James Stopforth • Make-up Manabu Nubouka • Styling Kim Howells 

See more from Richard HERE



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