Sean Hanna on budget changes

Get ahead of the budget changes

In Uncategorized by Nicky

Sean Hanna has a long career running salons in the London area. Under the eponymous title of the Sean Hanna, our man has headed up a group of salons much feted and awarded over the years. But it’s not been easy. He’s ridden wave after wave of economic tides, and, while coming out on top, is the first to say it’s not been tough and rough at times. As he emerged from the experience of the Covid Pandemic,

Budget changes 2025

Fit for the early months in 2025, Sean has great advice on tips for how to get ahead of the budget changes due for April 2025.

“For many salon owners they will be hit with increased business rates, increased minimum wage and increased National Insurance all at the same time. We know these changes are coming, so don’t let it be a surprise. There are a few months to plan and get ready as much as possible so make some time to get ready,” he says.

Sean’s tips on getting ready for April changes 

1 Work out the implication of the upcoming changes – have a meeting with your accountant and work out the numbers.

2 Many salon owners will have to find a balance between increasing prices and cutting costs, so look where the increases will be, and what costs can be cut without affecting the service you offer.

3 Don’t just wait to see what happens – preparation and planning is everything in business, especially when you know something is on the horizon.

4 Don’t just do what the salon down the road does as their costs might vary greatly from yours. Every business is unique, and any changes you make have to work for you, your team and your clients.

5 Do your numbers and create a proactive strategy that works for you and your business.

For more information


Sean’s eBook “The Entrepreneurs Guide to the Galaxy” is available for free and takes you on a whirlwind journey from Stylist to Group Owner to Entrepreneur.



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