Closing the salons for almost four months was a shock for the industry, leaving many businesses in uncertainty. At the same time it has been a long break that made many salon owners sit back and rethink aspects of their businesses. Yes, salons are opening again and habits are changing, waiting areas will be closed and safety and hygiene are the no1 priority right now. However, we keep on hearing that many of you are doing renovations, expanding or changing decor. A break can often give you the opportunity to do a make-over or refresh your workspace a bit. It’s not just about uplifting the mood or looking more ‘new’ or ‘seasonal’ though. Decor is very much about branding as well – your unique identity as a salon/brand out there.

Charlie Miller
Interior design is an art and arguable a total make-over is something to leave to the experts. But equally, you need to be involved, and definitely need to put your own personality your new look, too. Your choice of artwork on the walls could be a great start, and something you can do any time.
Now, buying new pictures may sounds easy, but realistically, it’s not just a 10 minute walk in IKEA. Again, think of your brand- what’s your salon ethos? What’s your unique selling point? What do they know you for? What’s your neighbourhood like? What kind of music do you play? What are the main colours of the salon? What are your clientele’s interests? What mood do you want to go for? Funny, rock, glam, minimal, luxe?

Jason Miller’s painting
Whether a photograph of hair work, or a witty poster or an artwork, it’s important that what’s on your walls says something about you and your brand and gives a statement about your salon. And from the client’s point of view, who doesn’t love a quick selfie at the salon with a nice background? Even with the masks on?

Through the Looking Glass
So, could this be the perfect timing to freshen up your walls without the pain and cost of a complete make-over? We say go for it! There are thousands places to buy artwork online, so all you need is time to do your research. Or, if you are feeling bolder and more creative, you could create your own art or print your own photos.

Looking for ideas? Here are salons with pictures and art we love:
Charlie Miller salons – with Jason Miller’s own impression paintings
(check @artjasonmiller and @jasonindia)
Barberology – witty, street culture posters on the walls
Fowler 35 – quotes instead of images
Trevor Sorbie- huge bespoke ‘sketch’ papered wall in Birmingham salon

Rose & Wild
Rose & Wild Hair- a mix of feel quotes and pictures with a feminine vibe
Through the Looking Glass – Alice in Wonderland themed papered wall
Brooks & Brooks – huge hair themed photos
Boombae- pop art


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Tribu-te magazine is produced by Seven Publications, Paris and you can find our Privacy Policy here.