Are you earning what you should be? Whether employed or self-employed, does your current salary cover all your overheads? If the answer is no, or in fact you’re not entirely sure, keep reading. Boss Your Salon is currently conducting a financial industry survey which will help figure out your worth. And they need your help.
You can jump online to access (free) two calculators. Boss Your Salon has designed the calculators specifically to help you calculate what salary you should be on. The first calculator helps individuals to determine their current actual earnings. The second focuses on calculating the necessary earnings to cover overhead costs and the cost of living.

Boss Your Salon
Know your worth
Simply by going on line to use the calculators, you can understand where you should be. Equally, by using the calculators, you’re adding to an industry-wide survey which could help us all.
The Boss Your Salon survey aims to highlight a common mistake made by many business owners, including freelancers. It’s this: Often, non-client-facing work such as administrative tasks, stock control and content creation get overlooked when calculating the cost of running a business. This can significantly impact overall turnover. In some cases, this oversight could result in sole traders and freelancers paying themselves less than minimum wage. Yikes! Time for action.
Maddi Cook is founder of Boss Your Salon, and says: “There’s often confusion within our industry between these two figures, ie actual salary and required salary. We want to gather solid evidence that clearly illustrates the difference. Our goal is to educate and empower salon owners and freelancers through our research. By understanding these core figures, we can collectively grow as an industry, set appropriate pricing and create sustainably successful businesses.”

Maddie Cook
Here you go… simply join the survey and help yourself by using the calculators online.
For the Actual Salary Calculator, click HERE
For the Required Salary Calculator, click HERE
The deadline for completing the calculators is 31st July 2024.. Fore more information on Boss Your Salon click HERE.
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