This June Kevin.Murphy presented the latest edition of the Fast.Forward gathering, bringing together 2000+ guests from 35 countries. Tribu-te joined, too

Berlin Arena set to welcome Fast.Forward 2022
Arena Berlin provided a spectacular venue to host what the KEVIN.MURPHY brand describes as disruptive new trends and consumer insights. The energy was palpable as we were immersed in a fast-paced programme of seminars, discussions and shows sharing new techniques and skills. The point was really to get a glimpse of what the future within hair looks like. The main man, Kevin Murphy, led his team with characteristic charm.

Kevin welcomes the guests
Kevin told Tribu-te: “Our concept is to show how to talk to your clients in a post-Covid world. And to get them excited again by showing a few groovy things.”
Shows to excite
The shows were brimful of colour (the new Color.Me Gloss range is a big focus), with more than 50 models on parade. We have to say, the production was stunning – a blend of real and unreal as it was impossible to tell who was on stage and what was video. Two catwalks and film screens the width of the room ensured we felt entirely part of the show. The vibe was to reflect current to iconic editorials, promote the looks from 22/23 season and ensure an international appeal. Oh yes, and a strong 60s x Punk’ interpretation. Such fun and we liked how we were dipped into the potential of the metaverse for augmenting the hairdressing experience. Browse our favourites here:
For the business minds, Future.Lab sessions – presented by Chris Sanderson – talked compellingly and positively about the shape of hairdressing in the immediate and near future. We’ll be posting on how to catch up on consumer insights to ensure your salon and hair business is on point. But first – our quick-fire with Kevin himself to take the temperature of hairdressing in 2022:

Nicky Pope, Publisher Tribu-te UK, with Kevin Murphy
Tribu-te: Hey Kevin, let’s start with the big question, can beauty save the World?
Kevin: Confidence is our inner beauty and beauty can save the world because it makes you feel confident…
Tribu-te: Nice! So what does the consumer want in 2022?
Kevin: Clean – all we want to do is get clean. I don’t mean in terms of straight lines, I mean clean as in, I want my scalp to be clean, I want my hair to look clean and not have a lot of products in there.
Tribu-te: How does this ‘clean’ relate to hairdressers?
Kevin: For me it’s about health and wellness ie feeling well. People associate wellness with healthy hair. It’s maybe not edgy but it’s what I want to feel and what most people want. Don’t forget, we’re at home more, we’re not out and about so much. We want to be easy and not fussy.
Tribu-te: How does that translate to Kevin.Murphy hair?
Kevin: Our hair aesthetic is similar to the French hair aesthetic and our Australian lifestyle is similar to French lifestyle – casual, we want to be relaxed. But the world is so small these days that we all want the same things. I believe everyone wants ‘French girl hair’ no matter where you are! So that it’s become more universal.
Tribu-te: And what’s specific for 2022?
Kevin: Slightly done, slightly undone hair is in – we’ve not had well-cut hair for a long time… now it’s coming back. And people are embracing curl.
Tribu-te: What’s the one thing that never goes out of fashion?
Kevin: Volume will always be in fashion because people need it! Volume can hide your head shape, like if you’ve got a flat back of the head or a pointy head it disguises it.
Tribu-te: What do you hate most as a hair trend?
Kevin: The one thing I don’t get is shaved sides – the square mullet I don’t understand it!

Hair by Marc Lopez for Vogue Paris
Tribu-te: Who’s your hair icon.. if you have one?
Kevin: The biggest hair icon is Marc Lopez – he was Madonn’as hairdresser – he’s now with Jennifer Lopez – it’s just very sexy hair all the time and really done well. I don’t do what he does, but I appreciate it.
Tribu-te: Whats your favourite part of Fast.Forward?
Kevin: Making all the videos – making the stage putting it all together. Giving people glimpses of moments that will inspire. Also for me, it’s the mix of real life and not real life. What’s important with the stage is that you can’t tell when someone’s on video or walking around because there’s so much going on. It’s our little foray into the metaverse. You can’t really be in the metaverse in hair, because we’re in a salon – this is our way of having reality and unreality and blurring that line in a real life situation.
Thank you Kevin! We had a blast chatting and joining in the fun at Fast.Forward. A glimpse of what’s to come indeed.
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