The Great British Beauty Clean Up

In Uncategorized by Nicky

Global Recycling Day is 18th March 2025 and The Great British Beauty Clean Up campaign will help you make the most of it. Of course recycling shouldn’t be limited to a day, but it’s helpful to use this as a prompt to intensify your salon or your business approach to sustainability. 

What are we talking about? 

The Great British Beauty Clean Up is a collaborative campaign created by the Sustainable Beauty Coalition in partnership with the British Beauty Council. Its aim is to promote sustainable practices within the hair and beauty industry. This particular campaign focuses on Reduce, Reuse, Refill, and Recycle practices and you can help. Encourage more consumer engagement in the responsible disposal of hair and beauty packaging.

The Great British Beauty Clean Up

According to The Courage to Change Report the beauty industry produces more 120bn units of packaging globally, much of which goes to landfill. In fact, the beauty industry accounts for a whopping 1/3 of all landfill waste and 70% of our industry’s plastic waste is not recycled.

The Great British Beauty Clean Up

The Courage To Change Report – download HERE

What’s more, research also shows that 56% of people do not recycle their bathroom products, contributing to the mounting waste crisis.

What can we do?

Launching in March 2025 ‘The Great British Beauty Clean Up’ is a first of its kind collaboration between retailers and brands. It is designed to significantly reduce the amount of waste created by the beauty industry. The initiative will focus on increasing industry and consumer awareness and adoption of reuse and refill systems. It is also set to increase recycling rates of beauty empties through spotlighting
take-back schemes and household recycling where available.

To date, 21 leading retailers and brands have expressed interest in joining. Could you join them? As part of the initiative, the British Beauty Council will be directing consumers to existing recycling schemes across the UK via its interactive map. See HERE

The Great British Beauty Clean Up

All brands and businesses involved will activate under ‘The Great British Beauty Clean Up’ campaign imagery and call to action. It makes this a key touchpoint for consumers throughout March and beyond.

‘The Great British Beauty Clean Up’ will officially launch during Waste Week (3rd–9th March), aligning with Global Recycling Day (18th March) and the United Nations International Day of Zero Waste (30th March) later in the month. The Sustainable Beauty Coalition is urging all beauty brands and businesses operating in the UK to get involved – register your interest and download the toolkit here.




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